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Voz Passiva - Passive Voice (continuação)

LEMBRE-SE: Usamos have something done para dizer que alguém fez algo por nós. Compare:

Lisa repaired the roof. (= she repaired it herself.)

Lisa had the roof repaired. (= she arranged for somebody else to repair it.)

Did you make those curtains yourself? Yes, I enjoy making things.

Did you have those curtains made? No, I made them myself.

Atente para a ordem das palavras (word order) neste tipo de construção - o particípio passado do verbo principal vem sempre depois do objeto:

object past participle
Lisa had
  the roof repaired.
Where did you have
  your hair cut?
Your hair looks nice. Have you had
  it cut?
Our neighbor has just had
  a garage built.
We are having
  the house painted at the moment.
How often do you have
  your car serviced?
I think you should have
  that coat cleaned.
I don't like having
  my picture taken.
We are going to have
  our house built.
We must have
  our clothes washed.
Mark is going to have
  his car serviced.
I must have
  my watch repaired.
He would have
  his hair cut if it was/were necessary.
She will have
  her computer fixed.


Algumas vezes, have something done possui um significado diferente, dependendo do sentido do verbo. Por exemplo:

Paul and Karen had all their money stolen while they were on holiday.

Nesta oração, não usamos usamos a estrutura have something done para dizer que alguém fez algo a nosso pedido ou em nosso favor. 'They had all their money stolen' significa apenas 'All their money was stolen from them'.

Com este significado, usamos have something done para dizer que algo acontece a alguém ou aos seus pertences. Geralmente o que acontece não é bom:

Gary had his nose broken in a fight.

Have you ever had your passport stolen?


Podemos usar get something done no lugar de have something done (principalmente em linguagem falada e informal.):

When are you going to get the roof repaired?

I think you should get your hair cut really short.

I got my bike fixed yesterday.


Como referenciar: "Voz Passiva (continuação)" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 28/03/2025 às 17:26. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/passivevoice9.php