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Voz Passiva - Resumo

A formação da voz passiva em cada um dos tempos verbais

Veja na tabela abaixo um esquema geral mostrando como formar a voz passiva (afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa) em cada um dos tempos verbais:

Simple Present
Paul paints the house every year.
am/is/are + particípio ¹
The house is painted by Paul every year.
The house isn't painted by Paul every year.
Is the house painted by Paul every year?
Present Progressive
Paul is painting the house.
am/is/are being + particípio
The house is being painted by Paul.
The house isn't being painted by Paul.
Is the house being painted by Paul?
Simple Past
Paul painted the house.
was/were + particípio
The house was painted by Paul.
The house wasn't painted by Paul.
Was the house painted by Paul?
Past Progressive
Paul was painting the house.
was/were being + particípio
The house was being painted by Paul.
The house wasn't being painted by Paul.
Was the house being painted by Paul?
Simple Future
Paul will paint the house.
will be + particípio
The house will be painted by Paul.
The house won't be painted by Paul.
Will the house be painted by Paul?
Future with "Be going to"
Paul is going to paint the house.
am/is/are going to be + particípio
The house is going to be painted by Paul.
The house isn't going to be painted by Paul.
Is the house going to be painted by Paul?
Present Perfect
Paul has painted the house.
has/have been + particípio
The house has been painted by Paul.
The house hasn't been painted by Paul.
Has the house been painted by Paul?
Past Perfect
Paul had painted the house.
had been + particípio
The house had been painted by Paul.
The house hadn't been painted by Paul.
Had the house been painted by Paul?
Future Perfect
By next week, Paul will have painted the house.
will have been + particípio
By next week, the house will have been painted by Paul.
By next week, the house won't have been painted by Paul.
Will the house have been painted by next week by Paul?

- Can, could, could have, would e would have podem ser usados na voz passiva:

This bird can be seen in the tropics.

No language can be learned so quickly.

This painting could be sold for a high price.

This abstract could have been written by hand.

The house would be painted this year.

The e-mails would be sent if the secretary were here now.

The cake would have been made if we had all the ingredients.

¹ Conheça o particípio passado dos verbos irregulares na lista dos verbos irregulares mais comuns do inglês.


Como referenciar: "Voz Passiva - Resumo" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 28/03/2025 às 17:14. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/passivevoice10.php