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Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)
Shop around | Comparar a qualidade e/ou os preços | Inseparável | I want to shop around a little before buying my new car. |
Show off | Exibir-se | Inseparável | He is showing off because the girl he likes is here. |
Show sb/sth<->off | Mostrar, exibir algo ou alguém pelo qual se tem orgulho | Separável | She likes to show off how well she speaks French. |
Show up | Aparecer, chegar a algum lugar. | Inseparável | She finally showed up. |
Show sb<->up | Envergonhar alguém | Separável | He showed me up by snoring during the concert. |
Sit down | Sentar | Inseparável | He sat down on the bed. |
Sleep over | Dormir uma noite na casa de alguém | Inseparável | Can I sleep over at my friend's house? |
Sort sth<->out | Organizar, resolver um problema | Separável | We have sorted out our problems and everything is fine now. |
Speak up | Falar mais alto | Inseparável | Speak up! I can't hear a word you are saying! |
Stand back | Afastar-se, recuar | Inseparável | The police ordered the crowd to stand back. |
Stay up | Ficar acordado | Inseparável | I stayed up late yesterday. |
Stick to sth | Continuar a fazer algo | Inseparável | She finds it's impossible to stick to a diet. |
Sum up/Sum sth<->up | Resumir | Separável | Can I just sum up what we've agreed so far? |
Switch sth<->off | Desligar, apagar algo | Separável | Please switch the lights off as you leave. |
Switch sth<->on | Ligar, acender algo | Separável | We heard the news as soon as we switched on the car radio. |
Take after sb | Parecer-se ou comportar-se com algum membro mais velho da família | Inseparável | I take after my mother. We are both impatient. |
Take sth<->apart | Desmontar algo | Separável | He took the car brakes apart and found the problem. |
Take sth<->back | Devolver algo (em alguma loja), retirar algo que se disse | Separável | I have to take our new TV back because it doesn't work. |
Take off | Decolar | Inseparável | The plane took off two hours later. |
Take sth<->off | Tirar algo (peça de roupa, sapato, joias, etc.) | Separável | Come in and take your shoes off. |
Take sb<->out | Levar alguém para sair | Separável | My grandparents took us out for dinner and a movie. |
Take sth<->out | Tirar algo | Separável | Can you take the garbage out for me? |
Take sth<->over | Assumir o controle de algo, tomar conta de algo | Separável | A Swedish firm took over the company last year. |
Take sth<->up | Aprender ou começar a fazer algo | Separável | She took up languages and now she speaks Chinese quite well. |
Take up sth | Ocupar algo (espaço, tempo) | Inseparável | Looking for a place to live has been taking up all my time recently. |
Talk sb into/out | Convencer alguém, persuadir | Separável | I didn't want to move abroad but my husband talked me into it. |
Tear sth<->up | Destruir algo rasgando em pedaços | Separável | She tored up all the letter he had sent her. |
Tell sb<->off | Dar bronca em alguém | Separável | The manager tells you off if you arrive late. |
Think back (to sth) | Pensar em algo que aconteceu no passado | Inseparável | I keep thinking back to day I met him. |
Think sth<->over | Refletir sobre algo, considerar algo | Separável | I'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision. |
Throw sth<->away | Jogar algo fora | Separável | We threw away our old furniture when we won the lottery. |
Como referenciar: "Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 06/03/2025 às 23:10. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/Phrasalverbs10.php