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Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)
Turn sb/sth<->down | Rejeitar/Recusar algo ou alguém | Separável | Why did she turn down your invitation? |
Turn sth<->down | Abaixar algo (volume), diminuir (luz, calor) | Separável | Please turn the volume down. |
Turn into | Tornar-se | Inseparável | She wasn't a pretty child but she turned into a beautiful woman. |
Turn sth<->off | Apagar algo (luz), fechar algo (torneira), desligar algo (TV, motor) | Separável | Please turn the television off before you go to bed. |
Turn sth<->on | Acender (luz), abrir (torneira), ligar (TV, motor) | Separável | I'll turn on the heating. |
Turn over / Turn sb/sth<->over |
Virar, virar-se, virar alguém ou algo | Separável | He turned over and went back to sleep. |
Turn up | Chegar, aparecer | Inseparável | Our dog turned up after we put posters up all over the neighbourhood. |
Turn sth<->up | Aumentar (volume, luz, etc.) | Separável | Could you turn the TV up? |
Try sth<->on | Experimentar algo (roupas, sapatos, etc.) | Separável | Try the shoes on before you by them. |
Try sb/sth<->out | Testar ou usar algo ou alguém | Separável | They are trying a new presenter out for the show. |
Use sth<->up | Acabar algo | Separável | Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables. |
Wait up for sb | Esperar acordado por alguém | Inseparável | I'll wait up for you. |
Wake up | Ficar mais atento e interessado | Inseparável | Wake up and listen! |
Wake up to sth | Dar-se conta de algo | Inseparável | He hasn't yet woken up to the seriouness of the situation. |
Warm up | Fazer o aquecimento (esporte), esquentar (motor) | Inseparável | I always warm up by doing situps before I go for a run. |
Warm sb/sth<->up | Ficar mais entusiasmado, fazer algo ou alguém ficar mais animado | Separável | The party soon warmed up. |
Warm sth<->up | Esquentar algo (comida) | Separável | You have to warm the rice up. |
Wear off | Desaparecer, passar | Inseparável | The effects of the drug will soon wear off. |
Wear out / wear sth<->out | Desgastar | Separável | They are trying to design tyres that do not wear out. |
Wear sb/yourself<->out | Esgotar-se, esgotar alguém | Separável | The kids have worn me out. |
Work out | Dar certo, exercitar-se | Inseparável | I work out regularly to keep fit. Things have worked out quite well for us. |
Work sth<->out | Calcular; resolver um problema, descobrir a resposta de algo. | Separável | He worked out the answer. They will work out the problem. I couldn't work out where the music was coming from. |
Write sth<->down | Anotar algo | Separável | Work on your own and write down the answers to these questions. |
Como referenciar: "Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 28/03/2025 às 17:02. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/Phrasalverbs11.php