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Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)
Pick sb/sth<->out | Escolher algo ou alguém | Separável | She was picked out from dozens of applicants for the job. / I picked three skirts out for you to try on. |
Pick sb/sth<->up | Pegar, apanhar, buscar alguém (com carro) | Separável | I'll pick you up at the airport at five. |
Point sb/sth<->out (to sb) | Apontar para algo ou alguém | Separável | I'll point him out to you next time he comes in. |
Point out (to sb) / Point sth<->out (to sb) | Apontar, chamar atenção de algo para alguém | Separável | He pointed out the dangers of driving at night. |
Put sth<->away | Guardar algo | Separável | To her surprise, she found that all the dishes had been washed and put away. |
Put sb<->down | Humilhar, depreciar alguém | Separável | The students put the substitute teacher down because his pants were too short. |
Put sth<->down | Largar, soltar algo, colocar algo no chão | Separável | You can put the fruits down on the table. |
Put sb<->off | Adiar/Cancelar um encontro com alguém; perturbar, distrair, desconcentrar alguém; fazer alguém perder a vontade (de algo/de fazer algo) | Separável | It's too late to put them off now. / Don't put me off when I'm trying to concentrate. / Don't tell Lisa how hard the course is - you'll put her off! |
Put sth<->off | Adiar | Separável | He keeps putting off going to the dentist. |
Put sth<->on | Vestir, colocar algo; ganhar peso | Separável | Put your coat on! / He must have put on several kilos. |
Put sb<->out | Causar inconveniência, aborrecer, ofender alguém | Separável | We hope our arriving late didn't put her out. |
Put sth<->out | Tirar algo, colocar fora | Separável | Put the garbage out, please. |
Put sth<->out | Apagar (vela, cigarro, fogo, etc.) | Separável | Firemen soon put the fire out. |
Put sth<->together | Preparar, montar algo (refeição, trabalho, aparelho, etc.) | Separável | I have to put the crib together before the baby arrives. |
Put up with sb/sth | Tolerar, aguentar algo ou alguém | Inseparável | I don't know how she puts up with him. |
Run across sb/sth | Encontrar algo ou alguém por acaso | Inseparável | I ran across my best friend from school in the street. |
Run away from sb/sth | Deixar alguém ou algum lugar inesperadamente, fugir de algo ou alguém | Inseparável | He ran away from home without saying anything. |
Run into sb/sth | Topar, bater, atropelar algo ou alguém | Inseparável | The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people. |
Run sth into sb/sth | Bater (veículo) em algo ou alguém | Separável | He ran his car into a tree last Saturday. |
Run out | Vencer, expirar, acabar, esgotar-se | Inseparável | Time is running out for the trapped miners. |
Run out (of sth) | Terminar, acabar | Inseparável | We ran out of shampoo, so I had to wash my hair with soap. |
Run sb/sth<->over | Atropelar algo ou alguém | Separável | Two children were ran over in this street yesterday. |
Run over sth | Revisar | Inseparável | She ran over her text before handing it to her teacher. |
Sell out (of sth) | Esgotar-se (entradas, ingressos, etc) | Inseparável | The tickets sold out within hours. / I'm sorry, We've sold out of bread. |
Send for | Mandar buscar, chamar, mandar chamar | Inseparável | Send for a doctor, quickly! |
Set off | Partir (em viagem) | Inseparável | At what time do we set off tomorrow? The earlier, the better. |
Set sb<->up | Enganar alguém, armar uma cilada | Separável | The police set up the car thief by using a hidden camera. |
Set sth<->up | Montar, construir, colocar algo, combinar algo | Separável | Our boss set a meeting up with the president of the company. / The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city. |
Settle down | Acalmar-se | Inseparável | What Liz really wanted was to get married and settle down. |
Como referenciar: "Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 28/03/2025 às 17:14. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/Phrasalverbs9.php