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A forma interrogativa do verbo "there to be" se faz colocando o verbo to be conjugado no passado na frente de there:

Were there many people at the game last week?

Wasn't there a good film on TV last night?


Were there clouds in the sky this morning?

Was there good music at the party last Saturday?

Were there famous artists at the hotel?


There to be - Future

O futuro do verbo "there be" se faz com o verbo auxiliar "will". Repare que no Futuro, tanto o singular quanto o plural possuem a mesma forma. Observe:



There will be a great pianist playing in the concert.


There will be a delicious cake for me at my birthday.

There will be many people waiting for him at the airport.

OBSERVAÇÃO: A forma contraída de there will be na afirmativa é there'll be:

There'll be a lecture in the university next week.



Na forma negativa do Futuro, acrescentamos "not" após o verbo "will". A forma contraída é: There won't be.

There will no be - There won't be


Observe os exemplos:

There will not be anyone to talk to him there.

I'm afraid there won't be water for you to drink in the future.

There won't be anyone helping.



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