A forma interrogativa do verbo "there to be" se faz colocando o verbo to be conjugado no passado na frente de there:
Were there many people at the game last week?
Wasn't there a good film on TV last night? |
Were there clouds in the sky this morning?
Was there good music at the party last Saturday?
Were there famous artists at the hotel?
There to be - Future
O futuro do verbo "there be" se faz com o verbo auxiliar "will". Repare que no Futuro, tanto o singular quanto o plural possuem a mesma forma. Observe:
There will be a great pianist playing in the concert. |
There will be a delicious cake for me at my birthday.
There will be many people waiting for him at the airport.
OBSERVAÇÃO: A forma contraÃda de there will be na afirmativa é there'll be:
There'll be a lecture in the university next week.
Na forma negativa do Futuro, acrescentamos "not" após o verbo "will". A forma contraÃda é: There won't be.
There will no be - There won't be |
Observe os exemplos:
There will not be anyone to talk to him there.
I'm afraid there won't be water for you to drink in the future.
There won't be anyone helping.
