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Na forma negativa, basta acrescentarmos "not" após o verbo "to be". Observe os exemplos:

There is not a football field near our house.

There is not anyone at the museum.


OBSERVAÇÃO: As formas negativas podem ser contraídas:

There is not = There isn't

There are not = There aren't


Observe alguns exemplos na forma contraída:

There isn't water in the jug.

There aren't buttons on my shirt.

There aren't cockroaches in the kitchen.



A forma interrogativa do verbo "there to be" se faz colocando o verbo to be na frente de there:

Are there many stars in the sky tonight?


Is there an ophthalmologist in this clinic?

How many students are there in your classroom?

Is there anything on your desk?

Is there a taxi stand near here?



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