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Exercícios de Língua Inglesa - Advérbios

Confira a seguir os exercícios resolvidos de Advérbios. Para ver as respostas, basta clicar no botão que aparece abaixo de cada questão.

 Assinale a única alternativa correta:
a) Carefully he drives always his car.
b) He drives his car carefully always.
c) He always drives his car carefully.
d) He drives his car always carefully.
e) Always he drives his car carefully.
 (ITA) dadas as frases: 1- He hard works everyday; 2- He spoke hardly this morning at the debate; 3- Don't drive so fast! Constatamos que está(ão) corretas:
a) Apenas a 1.
b) Apenas a 2.
c) Apenas a 3.
d) 1 e 2.
e) Todas as sentenças.
 Qual dos advérbios abaixo não está corretamente inserido?
a) He hasn't met me yet.
b) It was rather cold yesteday.
c) Gary always is dreaming of you.
d) We hardly work on Sundays.
e) They will travel by car.
 They had ___ arrived when they were told to go back to their houses again.
a) already
b) no sooner
c) hardly
d) no more
e) just only
 Complete o diálogo, usando o advérbio correto: - Hasn't anyone caught the thief _____? - No, he has't been caught _____. He will be caught _____.
a) already - still - just now
b) yet - yet - soon
c) now - already - tomorrow
d) still - yet - immediately
e) yet - already - at the moment

Como referenciar: "Exercícios de Língua Inglesa - Advérbios" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 29/03/2025 às 00:43. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/exercicios2.php?id_materia=21