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Verb to have - Futuro

Simple Future

Apresentamos agora as formas do verbo to have no Simple Future. Assim como os demais verbos, a construção do futuro do verbo to have é feita com a partícula will. Na 1ª coluna encontra-se a forma sem contração e, na 2ª, mostramos a forma contraída. A forma interrogativa não possui contração.


Forma Sem Contração
Forma Contraída
I will have
I'll have
You will have
You'll have
He will have
He'll have
She will have
She'll have
It will have
It'll have
We will have
We'll have
You will have
You'll have
They will have
They'll have


My mother will have a baby! (Minha mãe vai ter um bebê!)

His paintings'll have a strong influence on me as a student.
(Os quadros dele terão uma forte influência sobre mim como estudante.)


A forma negativa do futuro do verbo to have é construída com o verbo auxiliar will + not.

Forma Sem Contração
Forma Contraída
I will not have
I'll not have / I won't have
You will not have
You'll not have / You won't have
He will not have
He'll not have / He won't have
She will not have
She'll not have / She won't have
It will not have
It'll not have / It won't have
We will not have
We'll not have / We won't have
You will not have
You'll not have / You won't have
They will not have
They'll not have / They won't have


You won't have anything if you don't work hard. (Você não terá nada se não trabalhar muito.)

He won't have a car until he is 21 years old. (Ele não terá carro até que tenha 21 anos.)


Assim como na forma negativa, formamos a forma interrogativa do verbo to have com o verbo auxiliar will.

Forma Sem Contração
Forma Contraída
Will I have?
Will you have?
Will he have?
Will she have?
Will it have?
Will we have?
Will you have?
Will they have?


Will she have a baby? (Ela vai ter um bebê?)

Will you have enough patience to do this? (Você terá paciência suficiente para fazer isto?)


Como referenciar: "Verbo to have - Futuro" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 28/03/2025 às 17:37. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/verbtohave3.php