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Voz Passiva (continuação)


- Algumas vezes, (it is) supposed to ... significa o mesmo que (it is) said to ... Observe:

I want to see that film. It is supposed to be good. (= it is said to be good.)

Contudo, em alguns casos, supposed to tem um significado diferente. Isso ocorre quando usamos esta expressão para dizer que algo é planejado (intended), programado, combinado (arranged) ou esperado (expected). Veja:

The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it.
(= the plan is intended to be a secret.)

What are you doing at work? You're supposed to be on holiday.
(= you are arranged to be on holiday)

Our guests were supposed to come at 8:30, but they were late.

Cecily was supposed to call me last night, but she didn't.

I'd better hurry. I'm supposed to be meeting Erica in ten minutes.

- You are not supposed to do something significa o mesmo que it is not allowed or advisible:

You are not supposed to park your car here. It is private parking only.

Bernard is much better after his illness, but he is still not supposed to do any heavy work.


- Às vezes, pode-se usar get ao invés de be na voz passiva:

I got bitten by a dog. (= I was bitten...)

Richard got promoted last weekend. (= Richard was promoted...)

The cat always gets scared when the dog barks. (= The cat always is scared...)

There was an accident, but nobody got hurt. (= ..., but nobody was hurt.)

I never get invited to parties. (= I am never invited to parties.)

Get pode ser empregado nos seguintes casos:

1) Para expressar mudanças ou acontecimentos, geralmente inesperados e acidentais:

Mark got hurt in the car crash.

2) Para descrever o feito negativo de uma ação sobre alguém:

The computer got broken.

3) Para descrever rotinas:

The gym gets cleaned every Sundays.

4) Para descrever o resultado de uma ação deempenhada por alguém em benefício próprio:

He worked hard and got elected the Director of the company.

- O uso de get em construções passivas é considerado bastante informal e não é comum quando nos referimos a ações que ocorreram há muito tempo e ações planejadas:

This house was built in 1815. (NOT This house got built in 1815.)

Parliament was opened on Thursday. (NOT Parliament got opened on Thursday.)

- Existem, porém, muitas outras situações em que o get não pode ser usado. Observe os exemplos abaixo:

That actor is admired by many people.

NUNCA: That actor gets admired by many people.

Jamey is liked by everybody.

NUNCA: Jamey gets liked by everybody.

OBSERVAÇÃO: Há expressões com get seguido de particípio em que não há significado passivo: get married, get divorced, get engaged, get dressed (put on your clothes), get lost (= not know where you are), get started, get changed (change your clothes). Estas exprssões chamam-se de Phrasal Verbs. Observe o exemplo abaixo:

After getting engaged, they soon got married.
(Depois de noivarem, eles logo casaram.)


Como referenciar: "(Be) Supposed to, Uso do Get - Voz passiva" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 28/03/2025 às 17:23. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/passivevoice6.php