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Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)
Get at | Querer dizer, insinuar | Inseparável | What are you getting at? |
Get at sb | Criticar | Inseparável | He is always getting at me. |
Get sth<->across | Comunicar-se, fazer-se entender | Separável | I tried to get my ideas across to her but she didn't listen to me. |
Get along/on (with sb) | Dar-se bem com alguém | Inseparável | My wife and my mother get along/on very well. |
Get around/round sb | Persuadir | Inseparável | They know how to get around/round their boss. |
Get around/round to sth | Encontrar tempo para fazer algo | Inseparável | I hope to get around/round to calling you tomorrow. |
Get away | Sair de férias | Inseparável | We are getting away for a few days next week. |
Get away (from...) | Sair de algum lugar | Inseparável | I won't be able to get away from the office before 6. |
Get away (from sb/...) | Escapar de alguém ou de algum lugar | Inseparável | A prisoner got away from the jail this afternoon. |
Get back | Voltar, retornar | Inseparável | What time did you get back last night? |
Get sth<->back | Receber algo de volta | Separável | She has got her old job back. |
Get back at sb | Vingar-se | Inseparável | She got back at him because he lied to her. |
Get back to sth | Retornar a algo | Inseparável | Could we get back to the question of animals? |
Get in | Entrar (veículo, casa, etc.) | Inseparável | He got in the truck and drove off. |
Get off | Sair (do trabalho com permissão); descer (do carro, do ônibus, do trem, da bicicleta) | Inseparável | Could I get off work early tomorrow? / The bus stopped and three people got off it. |
Get on with sth | Usado para falar ou perguntar como alguém está progredindo ou se saindo em alguma situação específica; continuar, prosseguir fazendo algo | Inseparável | How are you getting on at work? He's getting on very well at school. Be quiet and get on with your work. |
Get on / Get onto | Entrar em algo (carro, ônibus, trem, etc.) | Inseparável | The bus stopped to let more people get on. / He got on his motorbike and rode away. |
Get out (of sth) | Sair de algum lugar; livrar-se de algo | Inseparável | Get out of my house now! / I wish I could get out of this meeting! I'm so busy. |
Get over sth | Superar (problemas) | Inseparável | She can't get over her shyness. |
Get over sth/sb | Recuperar-se de uma doença, perda, dificuldade, término de relacionamento, etc | Inseparável | Finally he has got the divorce. |
Get through (to sb) | Fazer contato por telefone | Inseparável | I'm trying to get through but her line is always busy. |
Get together (with sb) | Encontrar-se com alguém por motivos sociais ou para discutir algo | Inseparável | Manager is going to get together with his employees. |
Get up / Get sb up | Levantar-se da cama, acordar-se ou acordar alguém | Inseparável | I usually get up at 6.30. |
Get up | Levantar-se | Inseparável | The class got up when the teacher came in. |
Get yourself/sb up as sth | Vestir-se ou vestir alguém como outra pessoa | Inseparável | She was got up as Japanese woman. |
Get sth<->up | Organizar | Separável | We are getting up a party for her birthday. |
Get up to sth | Chegar a um ponto específico | Inseparável | I got up to the page 84 of the book. |
Give sb away | Levar a noiva ao altar | Separável | My father gave me away at my wedding. |
Give sb/sth<-> away | Revelar algo secreto ou alguma informação secreta sobre alguém | Separável | My little sister gave the surprise party away by accident. |
Give sth<->away | Dar algo como presente | Separável | The library was giving away old books on Saturday. |
Give sth<->back (to sb) | Devolver algo ao proprietário | Separável | Could you give me my pen back? |
Give in (to sb/sth) | Concordar em fazer algo que você não quer | Inseparável | My boyfriend didn't want to go to the movies, but he finally gave in. |
Give out | Chegar ao fim | Inseparável | Her patience finally gave out. |
Give sth<->out | Distribuir algo | Separável | They were giving out free perfume samples at the department store. |
Give up | Desistir | Inseparável | She doesn't give up easily. |
Give sth<->up | Parar com alguma atividade, largar um vício, um hábito, etc. | Separável | She didn't give up work when she had the baby. / You should give up smoking. |
Como referenciar: "Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 28/03/2025 às 17:09. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/Phrasalverbs6.php