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Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)

Get at Querer dizer, insinuar Inseparável What are you getting at?
Get at sb Criticar Inseparável He is always getting at me.
Get sth<->across Comunicar-se, fazer-se entender Separável I tried to get my ideas across to her but she didn't listen to me.
Get along/on (with sb) Dar-se bem com alguém Inseparável My wife and my mother get along/on very well.
Get around/round sb Persuadir Inseparável They know how to get around/round their boss.
Get around/round to sth Encontrar tempo para fazer algo Inseparável I hope to get around/round to calling you tomorrow.
Get away Sair de férias Inseparável We are getting away for a few days next week.
Get away (from...) Sair de algum lugar Inseparável I won't be able to get away from the office before 6.
Get away (from sb/...) Escapar de alguém ou de algum lugar Inseparável A prisoner got away from the jail this afternoon.
Get back Voltar, retornar Inseparável What time did you get back last night?
Get sth<->back Receber algo de volta Separável She has got her old job back.
Get back at sb Vingar-se Inseparável She got back at him because he lied to her.
Get back to sth Retornar a algo Inseparável Could we get back to the question of animals?
Get in Entrar (veículo, casa, etc.) Inseparável He got in the truck and drove off.
Get off Sair (do trabalho com permissão); descer (do carro, do ônibus, do trem, da bicicleta) Inseparável

Could I get off work early tomorrow? / The bus stopped and three people got off it.

Get on with sth Usado para falar ou perguntar como alguém está progredindo ou se saindo em alguma situação específica; continuar, prosseguir fazendo algo Inseparável

How are you getting on at work?

He's getting on very well at school.

Be quiet and get on with your work.

Get on / Get onto Entrar em algo (carro, ônibus, trem, etc.) Inseparável

The bus stopped to let more people get on. / He got on his motorbike and rode away.

Get out (of sth) Sair de algum lugar; livrar-se de algo Inseparável

Get out of my house now! / I wish I could get out of this meeting! I'm so busy.

Get over sth Superar (problemas) Inseparável She can't get over her shyness.
Get over sth/sb Recuperar-se de uma doença, perda, dificuldade, término de relacionamento, etc Inseparável Finally he has got the divorce.
Get through (to sb) Fazer contato por telefone Inseparável I'm trying to get through but her line is always busy.
Get together (with sb) Encontrar-se com alguém por motivos sociais ou para discutir algo Inseparável Manager is going to get together with his employees.
Get up / Get sb up Levantar-se da cama, acordar-se ou acordar alguém Inseparável I usually get up at 6.30.
Get up Levantar-se Inseparável The class got up when the teacher came in.
Get yourself/sb up as sth Vestir-se ou vestir alguém como outra pessoa Inseparável She was got up as Japanese woman.
Get sth<->up Organizar Separável We are getting up a party for her birthday.
Get up to sth Chegar a um ponto específico Inseparável I got up to the page 84 of the book.
Give sb away Levar a noiva ao altar Separável My father gave me away at my wedding.
Give sb/sth<-> away Revelar algo secreto ou alguma informação secreta sobre alguém Separável My little sister gave the surprise party away by accident.
Give sth<->away Dar algo como presente Separável The library was giving away old books on Saturday.
Give sth<->back (to sb) Devolver algo ao proprietário Separável Could you give me my pen back?
Give in (to sb/sth) Concordar em fazer algo que você não quer Inseparável My boyfriend didn't want to go to the movies, but he finally gave in.
Give out Chegar ao fim Inseparável Her patience finally gave out.
Give sth<->out Distribuir algo Separável They were giving out free perfume samples at the department store.
Give up Desistir Inseparável She doesn't give up easily.
Give sth<->up Parar com alguma atividade, largar um vício, um hábito, etc. Separável

She didn't give up work when she had the baby. / You should give up smoking.


Como referenciar: "Lista de Phrasal Verbs (continuação)" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 28/03/2025 às 17:09. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/Phrasalverbs6.php