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Atividade - English Lottery - A loteria do inglês (nível avançado)

Conteúdos trabalhados: preposições, regências verbal e nominal, conjugação verbal.

Read the sentences below. If only the first sentence on a given line is correct, choose column ONE, if only the second sentence is correct, choose column TWO. If BOTH are either CORRECT or INCORRECT, choose the middle column. Each player is entitled to a double game, meaning he/she can mark two columns in ONE of the lines. Whoever scores more points, wins. The great prize, however, is only awarded to those who score 13 points.

1   X   2
  He was accustomed to the weather.   He was accustomed with the weather.  
  I congratulate you for your success.   I congratulate you on your success.  
  He divided the cake in four parts.   He divided the cake into four parts.  
  I dreamed about you last night.   I dreamt about you last night.  
  This is an exception for the rule   This is an exception of the rule.  
  My brother is good in Math   My brother is good at Math  
  She was married to a rich man.   She was married with a rich man.  
  John is popular with his friends.   John is popular among his friends.  
  I hope he will succeed on his work.   I hope he will succeed at his work.  
  The man tied the horse on a tree.   The man tied the horse to a tree.  
  I've got a pen in my pocket.   I have a pen in my pocket.  
  We entered into the classroom.   We entered the classroom.  
  Tables are usually made of wood.   Bread is usually made from wheat.  

* Most of the examples on this exercise were taken from the book "Common Mistakes in English", by T.J. Fitikides, published by Longman.

He was accustomed to the weather;
I congratulate you on your success;
He divided the cake into four parts;
Both dreamed and dreamt are correct as the past of dream;
Both sentences are incorrect, since exception is followed by to;
My brother is good at math;
She was married to a rich man;
Popular is followed by with, so only the first sentence is correct;
I hope he will succeed in his work, therefore both sentences are wrong;
The man tied the horse to a tree;
Both I have and I've got are correct, but the first is used mostly in the US;
We entered the classroom;
Both made of and made from are correct, but mean different things: we use made of if we can still see the material of which the thing is made (for example, the wood), and made from if the material can no longer be seen (for example, the wheat).

Fonte: http://www.linguaestrangeira.pro.br/materiais/materiais_index.htm

Como referenciar: "Atividade - English Lottery - A loteria do inglês" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 26/03/2025 às 10:19. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/atividades/a6.php