Vocabulário de Ano Novo - New Year's Words

Ano Novo (Réveillon) - New Year's Eve

véspera / noite de Ano Novo - New Year's Eve
Ex: New Year's Eve (December 31) is a time for parties and celebrations. These celebrations culminate with the ringing in of the new year at midnight.

primeiro dia do ano (1º de janeiro) - New Year's Day (January 1st)
Ex: New Year's Day is the first day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

resoluções para o novo ano / promessas de Ano-novo - New Year's resolutions
Ex: A new year's resolution is a decision one makes to change something in the new year, for example - quitting smoking, losing weight, etc.

show de fogos de artifício - fireworks display
Ex: Many cities around the world have spectacular fireworks displays at midnight on New Year's Eve. Some of the best known are in Sydney, New York, and London.

brinde / brindar (com champagne) - toast / to toast
Ex: It is quite common to toast the new year with champagne.

meia noite - midnight
Ex: In New York City, a lot of people gather on Times Square to watch the traditional "ball-dropping" ceremony right before midnight.

contagem regressiva - countdown
Ex: In Times Square, in New York, the countdown to midnight begins early in the evening.

celebrar / anunciar (a chegada do) ano novo - ring the New Year in
Ex: We are going to ring in the New Year someplace really special!

Saudações de Ano Novo - New Year Greetings

Feliz Ano Novo! Happy New Year!

Desejo-lhe um próspero ano novo! Wishing you a prosperous New Year!

Tudo de bom neste novo ano! All the best for the coming year!

Boas Festas! Seasons Greetings!

Boas Festas! Happy Holidays!

People holding sparklers, fireworks that burn slowly and throws out a shower of sparks.

Coisas que as pessoas fazem no Ano Novo – Things people do at New Year's eve

fazer promessas de ano novo - make New Year's resolutions

reunir-se com os amigos – get together with friends

ir a festas de Ano-novo – go to New Year's parties

fazer contagem regressiva – countdown to midnight

beber champagne – drink champagne

varar a noite - stay out all night

About New Year...

New Year's Day is the first day of the calendar year. It is celebrated as a holiday in almost every country in the world. It is a time of gaiety, sharing with friends, remembering the past, and hoping for good things in the future. In the United States, thousands of people jam Times Square in New York City to welcome the New Year at midnight. The transition between New Year's Eve and New Year's Day is an exciting one. In Times Square, people count down the seconds to welcome the new day as the New Year ball slowly descends and lights up the area.

Not all countries or cultures celebrate New Year on January 1st. The Chinese, Egyptian, Jewish, Roman, and Mohammedan years all have different start dates. Chinese New Year starts on a different day each year. Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians celebrated their New Year about the middle of June. That was the time when the Nile River usually overflowed. January 1st was recognized as New Year's Day in the 1500's with the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar. The Julian Calendar places the New Year on January 14. The Jewish New Year, a feast day, is celebrated about the time of the fall equinox, in late September.

In ancient Rome, the first day of the New Year honored Janus, the god of gates, doors, beginnings and endings - the month of January, named after Janus, was originally called 'Januarius'. Janus had two faces - one which looked ahead to see what the new year would bring, and the other looked backward to see what happened during the past year. Ancient Romans celebrated New Years by giving gifts to friends and family members - some even gave gifts to Senators in exchange for favors!

In England, Druid priests celebrated their New Year on March 10. They gave branches of mistletoe to people for charms. Later, English people followed the custom of cleaning their chimneys on New Year's Day. The English believed this brought good luck to the household for the coming year. The expression "cleaning the slate" came from this custom. It means making resolutions to correct faults and bad habits. People resolve to make themselves better in the New Year. It is still customary even today to make a list of New Years resolutions for the coming year.

From: http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/new-years-day/about.html

Como referenciar: "Vocabulário de Ano Novo - New Year's Words" em Só Língua Inglesa. Virtuous Tecnologia da Informação, 2008-2025. Consultado em 25/02/2025 às 14:24. Disponível na Internet em http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/vocabularynewyear.php